Boys and girls in Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí, prepare your colored pencils and put all your energy into winning!

This year, at Iberdrola México we join the Children’s Day celebration by rewarding the talent of girls and boys in Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí, with the first drawing contest, in which they can participate with their best creations to win a laptop (first place), one tablet (second place) and a drawing kit (third place).

Who can participate?

Girls and boys from:

§  Oaxaca in the municipalities of Juchitán and Santo Domingo Ingenio.

§  and San Luis Potosí, in the municipalities of Tamazunchale, Tampacán, Matlapa and San Martín Chalchicuautla.

In the categories of:

§  8 to 12 years old

§  13 to 15 years old

What should the theme of your drawing be?

We have a theme for each participating state:

§  If you are from Oaxaca, your drawing must be related to the wind farm in the Tehuantepec Isthmus.

§  If you are from the Huasteca in San Luis Potosí, it is important that you tell us how you would be the Hero or Heroine of the River based on the story of the man who saved the bridge over the Moctezuma River in the 1955 floods.

Where can I deliver it?

At both places you have the option to send it through the form in the bottom of this page. You just have to complete the fields with your parents’ help and attach your drawing.

Or if you wish, you can visit one of our facilities located in:

§  Oaxaca


§  Carretera Juchitán – El Espinal km 3 s/n El Espinal, Oaxaca. C.P. 70117 (In front of the UNID, next to the Nochi Hotel)

§  San Luis Potosí

§  Predio El Clérigo S/n, Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosí, C.P. 79991, México

Now that you have all the information, get inspired and send us your best drawing before April 27, since the winners will be announced this April 30  on our fan page in Facebook

We invite you to check the rules for each city. It is important that you read them, because they set forth how you must name the file, as well as some specifications:

§  Drawing contest rules in Oaxaca

§  Drawing contest rules in San Luis Potosí

Let us celebrate Children’s Day together with energy!

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